Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Time Top 50 Coolest Websites

I enjoyed looking over this list and thought you might, too.
Though not all pertain to education, there are a few that would offer some great benefits. One is Google Spreadsheets which allows for online spreadsheet collaboration. Another is a neat search engine that flags desirable and undesirable sites based on your preferences called Scandoo. I keep other links of interest on our pilot classroom wiki links page here: in additon to my bookmarks page.

1 comment:

cliff said...

Hi, I am Cliff from EditGrid. Besides Google spreadsheets, there are various online spreadsheets working in different directions, includes EditGrid and Numbler which you may wish to try. EditGrid can get live stockquote and forex. Here is a demo. Of course we wouldn't forget our fundamentals, the spreadsheet functions, drag and fill, advance number formatting, undo/redo... all are available. Here is a comparison between EditGrid and Google.